This question is primarly to Filipinas or Filipinos.?
2007-08-19 12:16:56 UTC
I'm a foreigner dating a Filipina (she is six years my senior), whenever we go out and buy something and if there is a Filipina there who is selling stuff there, they always ask her if I'm her boyfriend and they ask for my age (because I look like a sixteen year old) and they go like "Hmmmmmmm, he's young !!!" What is that suppose to mean ? - Good for you kabayan you got a young guy ? Or am I some sort of trophy ?

Another thing.
I have African and Arab friends who also date Filipinas. When they go out, their girlfriends get glares from other Filipinos and Filipinas. (All this happens in the United Arab Emirates -Dubai)

I know most Arabs act like jerks and most Filipinas who work as maids get mistreated by these Arab employers, but isn't it a little unfair by the Filipinos to label every Arab as a bad person.

What about Africans ? Do Filipinos dislike Africans ?

What about in the Philippines, does this happen as
Twenty answers:
Aref H4
2007-08-19 13:36:55 UTC
If you have a Filipina girlfriend, and she loves you, you are very lucky. Love her back with all your love. Clear your mind with whatever other people say, or how they make you feel with their vocal remarks, or their looks. You are not having a relationship with them, but with the girl. Take everything else with a grain of salt. And please try not to ask questions again in Y/A that might be considered as racial. It's against the rules, you know?
Mai H
2007-08-20 17:13:16 UTC
Dude it's either their praising her she's got a young buck or just jealous (which is most often the case) coz she's got a young american buck...

Regarding the African & Arab men who date the Filipinas, that'll be a colored thing nothing more; most Filipino people don't accept that your w/a foreigner especiall if their darker than you are or is an Arab...Dude their hella ignorant ok

Here in the US the Filipino peeps mostly the elders are scared of the black folks, like they'll be doing something wrong (a bad influence they gather thru tv or newspaper) always; again it's ignorance never an open mind...

They have dark skinned Filipinos who were born from a Filipina mother and Black father from the American base being located there several years back, so they bore black children and society can't accept them; if not they go into the entertainment industry and maybe gets accepted since they've become famous...

Dude there's just lots of people out there who are blind sighted w/things...

My cousin thought my bf's Mexican coz of his features, i told him he was born in Iowa and is more American than you are; how ignorant and of course he just came from the Philippines...Dude be patient is all i can say and lots of luck to you and your girlfriend
annabelle p
2007-08-22 05:43:34 UTC
Those glares mean they don't like what they see and they are sending this message across to their kabayans. As to you and your Filipina girlfriend, there's nothing wrong with that even if she is a bit older than you (age doesn't matter) as long as she is not committed back here in the Philippines. If she is single and available, fine. It's another story if she is married and has a family waiting for her here.

Some Filipinos discriminate against black people and they show this by making fun of their color. Racial discrimination is not only exclusive to the white people, even the colored are these days.

Some Arabs are nice people and treat our kabayans well. And again, mistreating other people is not also exclusive to the Arabs. Other nationalities do the same to those they feel are inferior to them.
2007-08-20 01:05:21 UTC
hey gerald18. filipinos dont look down on any race wether you are black or white they will treat you the same. filipinos are not racist and really were not. anyway, to answer this question. filipinos have the attitude of talking to anybody even if they never have known each other. filipinos are friendly and kinda and a bit too asking to somebody's life. youre a foreigner so its normal if they will ask anything because youre different. right?

i dont think filipinos label every arabs as a bad person because if it was, they will be no filipinos going to to arab nation and befriend with an arabs. if you think that they will go to some arab nations just to have money well, filipinos think much about their life and not about money. they were arabs too in Philippines and they were treated well. i have an arab friends too, we used to have 1 school before but no one ever look down on them, instead they gained lots of friends because they are one of a kind. as well as the africans, there are some african missionaries came here too and they really going out well with the filipinos and vice versa. so i dont think you can judge filipinos like that. maybe some are not good but dont make it a name that all filipinos dont like black people. all the races and all the people in the world were different so if one did bad, dont take it as a whole. ok?
2007-08-19 12:34:45 UTC
You lost me. Are you dating in the Philippines or in the Middle East? If you're dating in the Philippines, the looks you see is simple curiosity. Filipinos like to "stare" at foreigners who look different. I don't know about dating in the Middle East. But I'd venture to guess that the "glares" you notice are probably more a look of apprehension than mere curiosity. They may think that the Arabs are about to take advantage of Filipinas as they are taken advantage of in their employment.

Filipinos are generally very welcoming of any foreigner but they become aggressively defensive when taken advantage of.

My opinion.
2007-08-20 04:55:19 UTC
Hi! I can understand how you feel as I myself is here in uae…Pinays appeal is very much into foreigners. I refuse to believe that all are being mistreated. As proof, I have dated different nationalities here (not flirting but getting a date at the right time) before finally finding one that I truly fell in love with. While into this dating scene, the kabayans really either asked bluntly if he is my bf or gives a blank stare until you have left the shop (expect that it does not end there-she & her friends will talk about you long after you are gone). Sadly, stereotype na ang pinay na may date na ibang lahi as either prostitute or gold digger… which I beg to differ. Who doesn’t want a better life if you came from a 3rd world country but still, it does not represent the whole of it. In my case, I have dated man of different ethnicity of all ages (younger or close to mine), unfortunately (to some stereotype people), the one whom I have greatly fond of & felt real love is a man older than me & foreigner (for the 1st time, an older bf). Again, I have to put up w/ the blank stares & question marks written all over their face but “to each their own”. It would not matter for I live my life just as I don’t meddle with their business.

Just stay in love & learn more of each others culture to understand those nagging stares. Cheers!!
2007-08-19 19:16:41 UTC
depends on the status of the person that makes any comments about you...some may see you as a trophy, a big catch, some may see you as a "victimizer", a human trafficker, and some may see you as nothing at all, like any ordinary person.

if your white, it is an eye catcher than any other race, but if you're not that good looking, some may perceive you as ordinary.If you're afro black, the first impression may not be of physical attraction unless you're exceptionally charming.

if making a survey, i think those of low status would always prefer in priority the following, whites, japanese, the locals, arabs then blacks. But those of good status would prefer the locals, and the rest, work proximity then emotional bindings.

But in the end, it all still depends how good your communication is, and how compatible you are with someone. Beware of the "cinderella complex" women who just seek any "prince charming" (rich guys, foreign or local)just to get out of their miserable life and bring it to your "castle".
2016-08-04 15:47:57 UTC
There are good/cute as good as unpleasant/nasty humans in all places, from all races. I individually like filipino people. I've many buddies from the Philippines. Some I met on a chatroom for filipinos and some met on facebook. They are cool!
2016-10-16 07:40:19 UTC
There are good/attractive besides as grotesque/nasty people everywhere, from all races. i individually like filipino people. I even have many acquaintances from the Philippines. some I met on a chatroom for filipinos and a few met on facebook. they're cool!
2007-08-19 17:45:23 UTC
ok filipinos notices too much of other people's lives. it is sometimes a big thing when it comes to relationships that the woman is older (or looks older) than the man.

no biggie. just dont mind everyone else.

as long as you treat each other with outmost respect then you can never go wrong with this one. whatever other people says.
John M
2007-08-19 12:35:26 UTC
don't flatter yourself man!!! maybe you just look young that it was some sort of compliments. dont be so vain to think yourself as some sort of trophy to my kabayan!

filipinos, in general are very sociable being, it does'nt matter what your nationality is if you become a friend of one of them. the thing is, filipinos have a habit of stereotyping with racial or ethnic group, that if you are not known to them, they assume that your character is the same as the majority of your fellow arabs (i assume you are an arab).
2007-08-20 03:32:08 UTC
Never worry, they were just curious about the age gap. That's all.

Another thing. I have a South African friend. And she's so kind and lovely.
Strategic Manipulator
2007-08-20 03:31:56 UTC
These people are just being "chismosa" and "usisero". A typical Filipino attitude. They just love to be snotty nosed for asking personal questions and yes it's impudent to make comment like that. A mix of intentions but mostly just being envious!

Did you ever heard afterwards a chitchat from other ladies present on that scene? Did she ever wished herself that one day she get someone as nice or as generous or as handsome like you? SURE, you did hear that!

Filipinos don't hate me for saying this but it is TRUE! Don't be hypocrite for denying such fact like this.

A non traditionalist Filipino! It's me!
2007-08-20 00:33:17 UTC
Those glares and strange glances from Filipinos are because of racial discrimination.

Filipinos looked up to the whites (Americans and Europeans) and to the yellows(Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) respectively, because they think that these races are superior to them because of their technology and way of life, another is that for them, these races look better and more beautiful than any other race.

On the other hand, Filipinos looked down to the blacks(Africans) and the Middle East browns(Arabs and Indians) because of the physical features, culture, traditions, and the way of life(ex. clothing, their scent/perfume, food) of these races.

The Philippines is one of the most westernized country in the east so Filipinos are well familiar with the western way of life rather than some Asian and African countries which have different lifestyle.

And one more thing, you didn't say on what race you belong.
2007-08-19 20:00:27 UTC
they mean to tell her LOLA get sum 1 your age .and about the another thing filipinas dates everybody in Dubai from locals to Indians to Africans,yes there are who mistreat maids but not only Arab employers you are a liar ,you are the kind of a guy we call here in Dubai as filipinas hunters they date them make a love drama to them take there money and dump them ,
2007-08-23 01:20:31 UTC
are you sure she's only 6 years your senoir? because most foreigners could not guess filipinas' right age. im a filipina here in the US, im 38 and at work they think im 25. ok you are 25 and she said she's 31 but actually she's 37, it takes one to know one. do i make sense??? you can her.
Roszi Love
2007-08-20 06:05:08 UTC
Agree with Strat. M and to you Yaken... these people are just being nosey really... only that!
2007-08-19 17:58:01 UTC
Stop worrying about what other people think.
Rode|ette ۩
2007-08-20 02:08:03 UTC
i don't care about race just don't insult mine...

( " _, )
2007-08-19 12:21:27 UTC
You talk too much.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.