I love Filipino people so much, is this a good method to find a Filipino wife?
2016-02-05 06:40:35 UTC
I am British but live in the Gulf. There are many filipinio maids and nannies here.

I was thinking maybe if I take a maid, and instead of keeping her in a crappy small room like people here do, let her stay in another big bedroom and take her out with me to social events and have fun. Of course I will pay her and she will do her maid duties, but I will treat her as my absolute equal. Maybe she will fall in love with me and want to marry?
If she does not, then I will never try to force her or push her badly.

I just fell in love with the Philipinne nation becuase I have seen how wonderful they are. And I'd rather marry a woman from a poor background and help support her family rather than some spoiled over-indulgant materialistic British/Western woman who will leave me if I'm too nice or don't go clubbing
25 answers:
2016-02-06 10:52:23 UTC
Hey if you don't mind and it's in your heart to do so. Go for it. Many of those ladies work 6 to 7 days a week, I am sure. There are plenty of poor Filipino women out there. You love the people and I hope you like crowds. They love their families usually. The Filipino women seem to be looking for something better no matter where they are. In the Philippines, Hong Kong, gulf states, in the USA, where ever. Finding the Filipino ladies where you work, do it! Why have a long distance email exchange or chat on Skype or Go for it.
2016-02-08 07:43:27 UTC
Im from Phil. Yes they are kind people but they are kind to foreigners only. Im a foreigner as well. They behave nicely with us because they think they have no power and they are poor. It's true that they are kind and yes very hospitable but not to their fellow people. Others even wait for this opportunity to be married with a foreigner because Philippines is a poor country and no one wants to work here. Pls be careful. They are good and nice but only as friends. They are hard working because they don't have a choice. Come in Philippines and see all of the girls here are running to foreigners. I would not want someone to treat you special just because they think you are rich and powerful. I was in a restaurant once and they thought I cannot speak the filipino language and I heard a waitress saying im a thick faced person. Filipinos patronize white people and everything western just why they behave so nice with foreign peopleI. It's better to fall in love naturally.
2016-02-05 20:14:03 UTC
Here s the thing with Filipino women, if one is from a good family and educated foreigners/people from other race will have a difficult time meeting them. Why? Because Filipino women from that kind of background would not interact with foreigners not unless you ve met them in the workplace. Filipino women from a poor family background would most likely grab the opportunity to latch on to a foreigner because of the financial security it would bring them and their family. Am not saying all poor Filipino women are like that but there are a lot of them like that.

You should be careful, I am Filipino-American, my older bro had a Filipino girlfriend in the Philippines then one day a woman contacted my bro on Facebook saying stuff like his girlfriend is actually a mistress of a married Filipino in the Philippines.

It was actually the wife who contacted my bro on Facebook. When the girlfriend was asked about it by my bro through our mom, the girlfriend denied it...then just disappeared.

I guess she just wanted a ticket out of the Philippines and saw my bro as that ticket.

Don t be a ticket. Or any other kind of ticket.
Vinegar Taster
2016-02-08 07:38:51 UTC
One thing you should know is if you marry a Filipina , you marry the whole family . She will want to bring mom / dad , and brothers & sisters .

NOT a good idea to have a relationship with an employee .

Your best best will to find a Filipino relationship site and see if there's a lady on there that attracts you . There will be thousands of women who will want to marry a nice guy like you .

Bad news , you'll have to write her for at least a year , and then go there to meet her in person . You need the year to prove to the INS that you had time to form a real relationship . Be sure she doesn't ask for money for her sick mother....
2016-02-05 07:45:14 UTC
I think you desire to be desired, to be seen as a knight in shining armor, a kind one despite your financial and racial higher status than she has in the Middle east. A bit like a Victorian gentleman showing his maid kindness that she isnt used to and her falling for him. All very romantic but a bit of a fantasy really, yes it could happen but you cant buy someones love with gifts, ultimatley if you became close she would expect the maid job to finish and if it didnt, she would bring it up in every arguement... You only see me as your maid etc... Maybe fun for you both (short term), but not the makings of a geunuine and lasting relationship. You have built up a fairytale view of The Philippines/Of Filipinas, but have you been there, do you know the place or the culture at all? There is no perfect woman, and getting one from poverty in search of the greatfull wife will most likely backfire on you at some point, yes you will get your ambition of looking after her family (and then some), That will get expensive and old fast, you will both feel used by each other. If you simply liked the Filipina look then thats one thing ( there are nice genuine Filipinas,but your motives are all wrong and for that reason I say dont do it. Leave that stuff to novels like Jane Eyre, not real life. P.S.. you say you dont want a materialistic woman but your asking about building a relationship in part on materialism, which beleive it or not, has reached the Philippines, go to metro Manila and you will see a super Mall every 2 or 3 miles, despite huge shanty towns even the poor want a peice of consumerism even if thats just window shopping for some. And again yes, there are lots of good genuine good Filipinas but you also run the risk of attracting a someone who will without much thought bleed you dry without mercy.
2016-02-05 09:33:05 UTC
Avoid native Filipinos and F.O.B. Filipinos if you can. They are the worst kind of people you want to deal with. Filipina women themselves have bad tempers and can act like drama queens. If you are a white guy from a western country, they'll automatically think that you are a wealthy person and expect you to support their entire lazy worthless family back home in the Philippines even if you are a working class stiff. If you grew up in a first world country and spent a year in the Philippines, you'll start to dislike Filipino people because it is a corrupt country. They are a corrupt people who follow a corrupt medieval religion. Go to Thailand or Japan if you like Asian women. The women from those two Asian countries are a lot nicer than F.O.B. Filipinas I encounter in my country, United States.
2016-02-11 05:36:33 UTC
I can see that you are a nice guy. A lot of Filipino women will fall in love with you. But here are my pieces of advice:

1. Know her more by talking to her/asking her about her family, her life in the Philippines, her goals/visions.

2. Don't give your 100% trust to a woman. Always think 2 steps ahead.

2. There are Filipino women who are "gold diggers". So beware!

Signs that a woman is a gold digger:

1. She wants to look as pitiful as possible.

2. She will ask you to buy things like this and that.

3. They are not ashamed to ask for something.
2016-02-07 07:13:11 UTC
I read many answers that say Filipino women are scammers or a lot are going to take advantage of an American. There is no need to label them as such as if they are just that. There are a lot of decent Filipina who wouldn't instantly jump at an opportunity to marry an American. And there are others who have worked in jobs other than domestic helper/aid. I think it is not bad or wrong to work for your family. What's wrong is the physical/emotional abuse that they get from their employers. But not every American is like that, right? So, don't treat them as if they are low. They are no better than you or anyone else. Further more, anyone should be careful in looking for a partner in life no matter what race they came from. If you want to know anything about a Filipina woman, ask anyone from her family, watch how she interacts with her family or friends. If you want to court a Filipina woman start with her family.
2016-02-05 13:12:58 UTC
You love Filipinos? Which ones??

Love their culture? Try living n working there at least a year..

Only a fool idolizes a people, culture or nation- worse, one he doesn't understand. Just think, what'd you think if someone said they love your country n people?

When I hear people say they dislike or hate Americans- which I hear in the Phils- I always ask "Which ones, the Fil-Americans, the Arab-Americans, the white-Americans, the Catholics?

Such people are ignorant n pathetic.

I personally know women who've gone to the mideast to work n all are poor (read: stressed w/enormous responsibilities, unhappy to be away, uncultured n entrenched in their ways) n ALL have kids- n their families- to support back home.

Figure out what's going on w/yourself before entering a relationship, let alone one w/someone from a wonderful, but desperately poor n corrupt country.
2016-02-06 18:00:18 UTC
If you are working the Gulf and go out socialising with a Pinay maid then you wont be working there for long. Nothing will be said openly but behind your back you will be laughed at and derided . Filipina maids there are --nothing so for a foreigner to openly socialise with one will be a huge NO-NO. Cplaints will be discreetly made about you. You will be an embarrassment to your company and I reckon it will be days only before you get the word you are being transferred home. Socialising is ne thing totally upsetting the social structure is another and that is what you would be doing. You would also be advertising yourself as low class because in the Gulf region pinays value is zero except as a domestic in u will be saying to all and sundry I will accept what you don't even register as human. Not clever at all.
2016-02-07 10:01:24 UTC
If you want to play safe, do not find potential a Filipino wife online especially dating sites, facebook, skype and whatnot. They are potential scammers whose mind instill the thought that typical white guys are rich and easy to be robbed. Better to make friends with Filipinos who are smart with middle to above average income, knows well how to speak English, with perception that are worldwide-friendly, and not the opportunistic kind.
2016-02-05 18:37:10 UTC
Laws are getting changed on this. You would need contact OFW in the Philippines. Meet there standards. Hire her under contract as a maid. Sex would be illegal with her under contract. In truth the best way is to live in the Philippines for a year. Meet several girls. Date & do it the old stile way. I am American live in the Philippines and do have a good wife here. No family problems with her family they are hard workers. A good one. But 80% are scam girls you will meet on line. A poor one is easy to meet. A rich one here is hard to meet.
2016-02-05 14:59:15 UTC
Only thing wrong with your plan is the fact that the maids there are working on a contract & are required to stay on the job plus stay at the employers house at all times except for the day off.

Can you come to the Philippines? You can easily find MANY women here that will do all you want from her.
mark r
2016-02-12 21:22:48 UTC
Just go to the Phillipines! Nicest people in the world, they will literally do anything for a guest. My advice? Only get a girl from the province, they are raised properly... loyal, faithful and hard working.
Dr. Genius
2016-02-06 10:33:46 UTC
If it comes to the lovely journey for tying a knot with filiphino beautiful and appealing girl then you have to contact with the desired persons through I am sure the organization can help you much better from others. So don’t hesitate to contact with them through the above said website Thanks and best regards. Enjoy!!!!!
no name
2016-02-05 09:17:11 UTC
Agree with Brian.

Dumb idea. If you are working, you know there has to be a separation.

The way you going all I can say is the old saying of a fool and his money.
2016-02-05 06:46:23 UTC
'in the gulf'? you mean in UAE?

tread carefully...

If she does not reciprocate your courting and you fired her, gave her a harder time or more work load because of it, it's called sexual harassment... also, it would be rather awkward. lol

however, considering it's in the UAE... i don't think the law of the land calls for sexual harassment... sooo... what do i know.
2016-02-26 15:25:40 UTC
Actually its sexual harrasment. Employer employee. Best visit philippines let them know your intentions.
2016-02-10 03:09:10 UTC
i notice many meet through online chatting be careful i'm not racist just saying anyone online is dangerous
2016-02-11 00:30:28 UTC
Filipinas are beautiful,but ....i dont know if they understand European culture and habits.
jan in uae
2016-02-06 20:05:37 UTC
You are a sad man.
2016-02-06 19:24:27 UTC
You are pathetic
2016-02-05 22:09:26 UTC
lol you sound like a dumb kid
2016-02-05 15:37:07 UTC
all you need is money.
2016-02-13 07:46:12 UTC
2 points thanks

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