Are all Filipino women selfish, or just my wife?
2008-01-15 18:28:31 UTC
I am an American married to a Filipino. My wife goes crazy if I ask her for one dollar, (not an exageration). She yells and screams at me and tells me I am a bad person and a bad husband. She says she is going to leave me because I can't support her if I ask for money.

I told her everything about me and how much money I earn long before we married. She said several times I was lying to her and she knows I am really a millionaire. I made it quite clear about all my finances. She even saw everything because I had to send all my financial papers for the visa.

By the way, she does not work. I provide her with everything she has ever asked for and I have never told her no. I even paid off the loan her family had on their land there and bought them a new motorcycle so they could start a business. My wife says I never do anything for her or them.

So please tell me if she is typical of all Filipino women or is this just my bad luck to get someone so obsessed with money?
67 answers:
2008-01-15 18:47:37 UTC
Sorry dude... I think you got the short end of the stick... How did you meet your wife? Online? Pen Pal? The Philippine population from last I heard is 70% below the poverty line. I've seen it many times... Filipinas marrying foreigners for their money... so that they may help their poor family members get a better quality of life... I see nothing wrong with this... but to be very demanding and getting all cross just because you want part of your hard earned money? I am Filipino and married to a loving Filipina wife... and she is not at all like that... I think you should reassess your relationship with your wife... Does she take care of you? Does she love you for you and not your money? Ask yourself the hard questions and maybe it's not too late to set your marriage straight. Lastly, be a man... stand up and be heard if things are not quite right.
2016-10-07 09:34:06 UTC
Filipino Woman
2014-06-21 23:34:13 UTC
I can tell you from personal experience and personal observations that your wife is typical filipina. I have an old friend that is the 2nd husband to a filipina that had 2 kids from her 1st marriage. She has 3 sisters living in the US as well and all divorced after having 2 kids and all seeking as much child support they can get, not to mention filing for all the government assistance they can get. I have met more than 20 filipinas thru my friends wife that also got divorced from Americans after having 2 kids and they all talk about how to get more money from the government. I live in the Philippines 7 months out of each year and I have met only 5 or 6 good filipinas that are good women that work and don't ask for anything. I personally know more than 30 women in that country that have foreign boyfriends and they all get money from them while also supporting filipino boyfriends. They are lazy and useless women. This is what I personally know. I would never marry a woman from that country. They can be a lot of fun if you don't take their lies serious.
2016-04-15 01:18:12 UTC
I am married to filipina from Davao city and have been for over 5 years. I was married before to an american woman for over 10 years and the differences are drastic. I find filipina's to be more level headed and not as angry as american women. Filipina women seemed to be raised with more family values and seem to worry about family, children and their husband more than them self's. The american culture has become all about ME. What do I want, what do I need. Where as the filipino culture is what can I do to make it better for the ones I love. You filipina women are amazing and have the greatest smiles in the world. One smile from a filipina will melt a man heart. Many will say that men from the USA cant find a woman or they want a submissive type asian. That is not case many americans search the Philippines for a loving wonderful woman how puts her family first. And then there american husbands put them on a Pedestal and will go out of there way for them and there family. Its not about looking for a submissive wife or on the woman's side a green card. Its two people from different cultures that learn about each other and love each for the differences. Don't listen to haters of these relationships. Many good american men have slipped through the hands of selfish, bitter american women who think life is like TV.

For the best answers, search on this site
2008-01-15 21:42:21 UTC
Being a Filipina myself, its not 1st time that I heard same stories as yours. Hurt to admit but there are Filipina's who is same as your wife but these are not the typical Filipino women. In fact the typical Filipina are the one that have its own career, graduate of a degree course & earning money of its own. Yah, they help financially their family (a Filipino way of paying your respect & love for your parents & siblings) but once they got married, their family understand that she has her own life now. She can still help but not that much, because parents felt shame towards her husband.

You did not give the family backgroud & lifestyle of your wife. I have the feeling that maybe she came... lets say not a well done family or they have this thinking that you are rich (although you said that you are not & you tell it to your wife before you marry her, but maybe she dont believe you). Sorry to say this but maybe one of the reason why she marry you was because of your money & the thinking that her family can benefit from that. Situation now have no turning back, she is your wife now & if you do love her, sit down & discuss what you felt & the situation that is going on. If she loves you more than the money then she will understand & explain everything to her family & learn to accept the life you can offer only. If everything turn the other way around, I hate to say this but no other way but to get divorced & move on with each other life otherwise both of your life will be miserable & frustrations. Goodluck & God bless.
2014-09-21 04:21:03 UTC
Nothing Wrong at All with Filipina Women.....

There is one small problem from my direct expereince: 90% are mentally ill as in genetically diseased, not just a problem of cultural wrong habits. What you saw in your wife is not just selfishness but a mentally warped brain as per her behaviour. Sorry i don't agree with her country men and women who say that this is merely a result of poverty.

There is a lot of severe poverty in South America and you do not see this kind of widespread behaviour as in Philipines.

The best thing is to learn that certain countries consider immoral, deceitful, criminal be perfectly all right as long as they aren't the ones affected. Most filipinos couldn't care less what happened to you from your mentally disturbed wife, no matter how good a man you are.

Once you realize that you married a mentally ill person, you will dump her the next day. Good Luck. And if you are very good at finding needles in Haystacks, then you can find a good wife again in Philippines.
2014-06-22 08:50:03 UTC
I married a filipina and had to cancel her visa petition. They only care about money and a visa and their filipino family, not you, the bobo american white guy. They will call you gwapo all day but if you don't supply money watch how problems arise. If everything seems too good to be true then watch out because it is! I cant say all are this way but all are that I have met! If you are white you are not really family and they have no loyality to you. Its only loyality towards other filipinos. And they will share money with family to which all Filipinos are somehow related, but if you ask for money its a big damn problem! I have seen enough white guys fall for these women and get majorly screwed. They look innocent, may even go to church on sundays but they are deceitful, beautiful liars. Maybe not all but most. Beware!
2016-01-08 23:48:55 UTC
I think self centered yes. I think they don't fully appreciate what their husbands are going through.

My future wife is a very nice girl and I believe her to be loyal but we don't have a full connection and

it saddens me. Sometimes I wonder if I should call it off but I know over the long haul she would be

a good wife. I miss not having more of a connection. We have some and it growing but I don't see

her really trying. Its almost like she wants to be a trophy wife. I don't know. She has been here for 3 weeks and you'd think we'd be all over each other, but no. I am not excepting sex every night but I am sad she

not more interested. I am sad she is not really interested me. Sure she love me, but its not with a connection.

apparently she never really appreciated the inner meaning of my texts. For example she watches movies at home with me but never asks what I want. I feel like I give and once in a while she offers me something but only because she is doing it only.
Daniel Moldovan
2016-03-01 04:23:59 UTC
Mine is not just being selfish, but a real psycho! I´m a Romanian guy, i married my Filipina wife 3 years ago, but in all this years, my life was a living hell. She would get angry about the smallest thing, she throws objects at me, slams doors... Today it happened again, but for me, this was the last, i´m full of her attitude, and i am planning to file Divorce...

She´s having a lot of reasons to get angry, and does it almost every day, even if i´m always kind to her, i´m always talking nice to her, and NEVER ask her a penny...

Today, she told me that she wants to visit her auntie in Germany, i was asking her if i can join her, because i´m having 3 weeks vacation from work, and was wishing to go somewhere and relax, and that would the perfect pooprtunity for that, but, instead of being happy, she suddenly got mad, and told me that i´m a jealous person, and that i don´t trust her to go alone. I was trying to explain her that it´s not true, but she would not listen, she was shouting at me, calling me animal, swearing, she was throwing the chair at me, than the bottle with water, and as if all that would not be enough, she took my tab and smashed it into pieces.

I was getting really mad, and asked her to stop, she told me to get out of the room, because if not she will kill me. Now she´s alone in the room, and i´m staying in the sala, avoiding any contact with her.

I´m full, and that was the last for me, i´m gonna divorce her this time, in 3 years i was having more than enough...
2014-07-09 06:09:45 UTC
Most of Filipino women are looking for a foreigner to marry with, just because of they live in a country under 89% of poverty line, I've got acquainted with a filipino, she was a teacher with a salary of over 22,000 pesos per month, I'm an engineer, but she never let me know about her income, she always pretended like she doesn't have enough to eat! I was with her about 8 months, she was always hungry for money, never satisfied, and she always pretended that she loves me, but it was a lie!
annabelle p
2008-01-15 19:44:22 UTC
No, she is not a typical Filipina. She is one of the rotting eggs in a basket and needs to be thrown out.

I am a Filipina and am very ashamed of what she is making of herself. It is women like her who gives us Filipinos a very bad name or image and to think she is only a negligible percentage in our population.

Don't be a henpecked husband. You have as much right to the money as she has because you earned it, you own it. Be firm and don't give in to her tantrums, show her who the man is in the house. It is enough that you feed and clothe her and give her what she wants; your responsibility ends with her, not to her family or extended family. You may help her family from time to time but it is for you to decide whether you do or not - she can't be so selfish as to ask for something which you are not duty-bound.

I can empathize with her in some ways like wanting to help her family. She may have come from an impoverished family in the Philippines but, at least, she should show some decency and pride in being a woman, of being a Filipina. She should understand that marrying you doesn't mean you will always be the savior or knight in shining armor for her family. It is enough that you have helped her family start their own business, to stand on their own so as not to depend for all time on you.

I am sorry that you had to meet and marry someone who is a great spoiler but maybe, in time, she'll change to someone who will make you proud. Talk to her, make her understand that you can't always be her family's savior. Good luck!
2016-04-16 21:51:05 UTC
I worked with Filipino women they're evil vicious domineering scum. They only have hatred selfishness and hardness in their hearts.. They are lying dogs. Those dogs disgust me. I hate their nasaly voices. They were gross ugly and repulsive.One of them had a huge bald spot on her head. They're the most mean spirited heartless dogs I ever met. They make me want to vomit.
2015-06-23 16:54:03 UTC
Im very familiar with philippino mentality and I can ensure you that philippinos main production is "wifes" and maids. Problematic personalities most of them but worldwide woman are problematic. They see foreigners as cows to milk and there are many expressions mention this habbit. Ofcourse there are exceptions that they just confirm the rule. Generally they are low iQ. No sence of humor at all. They can t understand poetry and abstracted meanings. As for families you have to know that family for pinoys is something like social security. They are happy to grow many girls because they hope sometime they will grab a foreigner. Liers, hypocriths and idiots are the attributes describe the majority. Impossible to communicate high level thoughts with them. Only fear can keep them in acceptable level. It should be unfair not to mention here that there is a minority of them that they are sweet, loyal and happy persons. At the end you have to know majority of philippino man the are tottaly irresponsible since pjnays they prefer them thsn foreigners. Pinays love foreigners the way a farmer loves his chickens.
2016-03-02 20:11:31 UTC
Filipino women are the most greedy, abusive, stupid, humorless and DANGEROUS women on earth, and I was dumb enough to marry one. They hustle American, Canadian, and European retirees for their pensions. First they seduce them with sex, flattery, and attention. Then they establish a "relationship", and live with them. Then they announce that their family is starving and needs financial support. LOTS of financial support. Then, after you're hooked, they spend their days online researching how many different ways they can sue you. They make your daily life a living hell, so you won’t live too long before they get your entire pension. I’ve heard this identical story from dozens of expat retirees. They're psychopathic cretins who subject you to frequent outbursts of incredible anger, screaming obscenities at you for hours on end. She demoralized me so severely, I started smoking after having quit decades before, couldn't sleep or eat, etc. My health deteriorated to the point where I eventually wound up in a hospital. As someone commented above they're incapable of abstract thinking, have no appreciation for art. and are morally bankrupt. Do I sound bitter?
2008-01-15 19:01:20 UTC
It's a shame when you label all Filipinas as selfish women. You're just unlucky to find a selfish one. May it be a Filipina or not selfish people really do exist. You should have taken the initiative to know her better before marrying her. She's actually showing the signs of her being obsessed with money when you met her but just ignored it for the simple fact that you love her. And since you're already in that situation you can live with it for the rest of your lives or have an option to break it with her and find someone who can understand your financial situation. Or better yet communicate with her and let her fully understand that you're telling the truth about your financial situation and she must at least be considerate of what you're going through. Goodluck!
2014-08-05 19:39:51 UTC
I am also married to filipina as my second marriage. At the start it was very fine and smoother as silk. Then the fun part of the story started. Her brother's and niece start asking gifts and to show off she wanted to send them gifts every month. And then suddenly long gone father appeared. He want his phone reloaded every other day, as he want to call her from there.

Then her niece start the fun part of asking money to buy cloths and DVDs every other week even she is a school girl. She also earn some money from working over internet as a freelancer but I found she worked only to send money back home.

She want a millionaire show case to her family.

The fun never ended - and more than 100 unseen relatives pumped into her facebook account - and lots of skype and sms asking money. Every one have health issues and almost every other day someone is in a paying hospital and asking money - 50,000peso or more.

I stop her facebook, and stop her using skype.

Then it became normal and none of them asking money - no one seems to be in hospital anymore.

it is the Filipino fashion - or tradition - once a family member married to a foreigner - they want every thing

to be given as gifts. But they do not want to work and earn.

large parties sponsored by foreign relative is a big thing for them.

crazy people. never get satisfied with what they have.

Filipina's are loving girls but - their family members are devils who can screw up your family life instantly.

Cut off all relations with them. Never even say Hi to them after you married a loving filipina.
2016-05-02 05:50:24 UTC
If you wish to be much more appealing for a lady you will need this book , The Tao of Badass which can “change you” into a person who attracts most of the women.

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The Tao of Badass  it will allow you to ‘that person'by arming you with the knowledge of why you have to be like ‘that guy'while giving you all of the pick up skills you'll need to become ‘that man'who girls are attracted to.
2015-07-28 20:57:59 UTC
My son had a relationship with a filipino woman for almost 4 years. He was about to leave her two years ago so she miraculously gets pregnant. She had three children to a previous relationship, but showed no motherly affection towards them and now they are in another country with their biological father and she doesn t even miss them. She bled my son dry of all his finances, plotted with some horrible people who stole his car so he had no wheels to get around in. She wouldn t let him use her car, she demanded he do all the housework, questioned his whereabouts when he wasn t at home and constantly txting him at work. She is lazy, money-hungry, and just takes and takes and never gives anything in return. She was always belittling him in front of people and called him nasty names, telling him how useless he was, wasn t a man blah blah blah. So I kicked her a** and my son broke up with her straight after this. We also got custody of their little son.
2013-09-30 23:54:26 UTC
I never reply to anything on the net but I have to here. you got a bad woman, not a bad filipina girl just a very bad woman. I am an american and married a filipina girl when I was 26 years old she was from cebu. and in a short time i learned she was nuts. really, she started yelling at me for no reason, she had no scence of humor any joke would enrage her. she would even scream and yell in public. it got so bad she hit me with a picture frame and the glass cut me. i had to divorce her but i was smart, i put hidden cameras in the house to record the abuse she gave me almost everyday and showed the judge. think about it, record your abuse because if you decide divorce she will lie about the way she treats you.

anyway now I am 37 and for a few yrs now married another filipina girl from mindanao northern part. and the second filipina girl i married is great. we have been together for yrs. and my marriage is wonderful. the lesson here is not to blame a race but blame a person. your wife is bad as a woman. you need to be happy.
2014-11-08 22:28:38 UTC
Uh huh. They're wired differently. Smart and cunning. A sharp tongue and mind. Deeply religious and eeevil at the same time. Cruel. Secretive. Intolerable when they start yapping. They make much ado about nothing. Once they have what they're gonzo amigo. Talk to a paralegal before you take action to get rid of her. Don't wait till its too late. My buddys nerves are frazzled because of his pinay wife. He can't please her, she is so stuck up and prissy, and he's a real manly-man too. He'll survive because hes got moooolah coming out of his ears. I sound jealous, can you blame me? Oh well, nobody's perfect. I'm married to my third wife. se la vi.
2013-12-20 19:35:33 UTC
Sound like typical women in general to me, but having ben in the Philippines many times what your saying doesn't surprise me, sound like the typical Pilipino thing of trying to build a reputation for herself back home, that's one of the most important things for these women.

If I where you I would ( if she will let you!) discuss an amicable split, she will probably scream and shout then sulk for a week, that's their usual way, but your just have to stay strong and firm, its hard Iv been there!!! good luck my friend!!
2017-03-01 13:17:03 UTC
2017-03-01 04:29:03 UTC
My best friend is a Filipina.
2008-01-15 18:47:46 UTC
I am a Filipina, also married to American. He never supported my family nor gave any money at any reason. I made sure of that because I don't want him to think that I married him because of money and also my family think it will not be a good idea. Our culture is very family oriented and I can tell that it is not a big deal for you that you are helping her family and the main problem is your wife could be expecting so much more. She is lucky enough to marry an American, frankly speaking she can never had a good life as she is having now as your husband, if she search for a Filipino, she could ended up marrying a jobless one because the truth is most Americans do marry not so pretty girls in Philippine standards or unless she is educated she can never get a good guy that can be a good provider. Many Filipino guy are responsible and a good catch but I guess she cannot have that because again, she might not be as pretty as Americans like you marrying you, she is lucky enough.

I think she must be grateful for that. I don't reccommend you to fight with her but I think you can sit down and talk to her about her being capricious and that you never lied to her. Remember that you already married her and you must accept all the evil in her. I beieve that you can still change her to become a better person.

For your question if all Filipinas are answer is NO, most of us are selfless and willling to sacrifice ourselves for the people we love.
2014-04-02 06:26:45 UTC
People the bottom line is that not all philippino women are like that you say! but most of them are. plain and simple. I have seen the mental abuse and the scars they have left on these poor foreign men who cannot think their brain but only dic.............!!! for example : a friend of mine married one knowing her history of having a son with another man and left him with the child. My friend had 2 little girls with him, also asked for money to send to family see the trend. She also left him with the girls for another man. After 3 years now she want to come back. I figured she ran out of fuel and is known by others what shes capable of! and nowhere to go. I no longer aid or support him because he is considering??? So my new friends who agrees with me...

philippino women are after visa, money and they do not care of the destruction they leave behind the hurt and pain. Shockingly there are considered a hero in their home on how they send back money!

I call them Cultural Prostitues.......not to late guys to send them back.
Big B
2008-01-17 02:39:12 UTC
Dont worry mate, your not the only foreigner that thinks that way towards filipinas.

To be honest with u, alot of filipina's are dedicated to their families and like to send money back to their parents / families back in philippines. Which often means that the foreigner husband gets left out of the picture - even though he is the money / bread winner.

Filipinas also love to show off - they get extremely jealous if one of their friends has something that they dont - be it a mobile phone, motor scooter etc etc. And they cant stand it when they dont have something that their friends have. They will want money to show off to their friends for shopping etc.

Alot of filipinas also come from impoverished backgrounds. Depends on how they handle it - some filipina's are very humble and thankful for what they have, but others are extremely jealous - and want the best of everything for themselvs and the family.

Last point - mothers! Some filipina's get their demanding money from their damn mothers, especially if they have come from families where the mother has dominated over the father. You can bet your life that the daughter will turn out exactly like the mother - best thing to do is to get her away from the influence of the family and tell her - husband is first or there is the door.

You have to put your foot down and let them know who is boss. Back in the philippines, their filipino husbands would give them a good backhand for smart mouthing or take them out and put a bullet thru them. Just because they have foreigner husband, have to let them know who is boss.

If they dont like it, point to the door and wave bye bye. Tell them your the husband, not the money ko.
2014-01-14 03:17:44 UTC
i built a house in the philippines for my new wife.because it was not completely finished,she called it a **** house.she has lied to me many times about how she spends the money i send here in the u.s and she is in the phils.i will not bring her here.i told her that from the start.she has asked me for money from everythng form the dog ate my shes to i had a stroke and the hospital bill is 80,000 pesos .i told her i wont pay not happy with my situation and i am looking for a gf here in the states.i will abandon my wife in the phils.she asked for it believe made the mistake of bringing your wife here to the u.s.a.your pretty much screwed my friend.the behavior your wife is displaying only shows that she doesnt care about you now that she has her green cardif i were you,i would divorce her,cut your losses and then return to the phils and find a better one.this time leave her there.
2008-01-15 19:47:50 UTC
Not all filipinas are like your wife but your wife married you for your money and now she is freaking out because now she realizes you are not as rich as she thought you would be. I am 100% certain of this.

Not all filipinas are like that. I have met many filipinas that would never marry for money alone. Those filipinas are usually the type that marry their own filipino blood.
2008-01-15 19:58:43 UTC
It's hard to understand for a wife to scream at her husband just for asking a dollar. Maybe there is a very good reason for that. It's hard for me to assume but I guess she is so fed up with something. No matter what race a woman is, she can get bitchy if her husband is a good for nothing husband. It has nothing to do with race. We must remember, the coin has two sides.
2015-04-29 05:25:45 UTC
I have a long time experience with Filipina women, and I also saw what happened to many foreigners who fell into that black-hole called Pinay-Wife.

Many foreigners are so stupid about life, and can be easily outwitted by Pinay women. To cut things short:"Marry Pinay wife???...DON"T TRY IT AT HOME!!!"
2014-08-02 04:26:33 UTC
I met my Filipino wife on and now we are happily married
2015-04-20 00:50:12 UTC
This is my experience,in my 70s met this very attractive woman online,54 years old.We skyped for hours and agreed we would both like to marry.I went to manila and met her,she was delightfu.lA pleasure to be with.Not overly demanding,good sex.we travelled to her town and filed papers for marriage.I wondered a bit about why she always wanted to be online at a certain time.Chatting her mum she said.Well she went to sleep one day and left her skype open..Big mistake,not being entirely a gentleman i looked.2 days away from marrying me she is in contact with a guy in Germany asking him to come and live with her.How she loves him etc.She has nearly 200 names in her contacts.All men. Some of the messages,recent ones were of a decidedly sexual nature and it was clear she had been having cam sex with them, She had 6 skype accounts and was on 2 dating sites. i was shattered.still in a state of shock. This woman was educated,attractive,good personality. She was also the best liar,actor,and maniplulative person i have ever met.This was not a young girl looking to better herself,this was a cold deliberate liar and cheat. I had a lucky escape.
2008-01-16 05:42:17 UTC
No, not all Filipino women are into money. I'm a Filipina too and I'm married to an American. Since I lived and worked in the US too before we met, I know that not all Americans are rich and it's hard to earn money. Maybe you should let your wife realize that you don't pick money on trees. She should experience how hard it is to earn money. Educate her and you are not required to help her family.
2014-10-08 23:16:57 UTC
I posted a long answer but it didn't show, in short yes more are I know first hand from multiple experiences. Only met one normal/decent one. Be very careful.
2008-01-15 19:52:30 UTC
i think your too unlucky to have her as your wife.

if you'll know some foreigners like you who have a filipino wife, you'll be very jealous on how they are very happy with their relationship.

i know a lot of them.

actually, my cousin has an american husband and they are really satisfied with one another.

and this weekend, they'll visit the philippines.

and they'll go to boracay. i wish they'll let me come with them. ^_^
2008-01-15 18:57:22 UTC
I'm sorry to hear your situation but NO, not all Filipino women are like that,it's just your wife.Though I will not lie that there are people who changed and can't remember where they came from once they leave the country.Better communication will help her realize things.

Good luck
2008-01-15 18:37:49 UTC
This is not typical. This sounds like a relationship circling the drain and so you should either fix it quick or get out easy as that. Just sit down and talk about your feelings with her.
hot sexy lips
2008-01-15 19:58:22 UTC
every person luck differs.. this was in your luck so accept it.

by the way, filipino or any community is not bad but the person is always good or bad. so do not put your question in this way to make others feel bad or awkward. by the way so sorry but time can cure everything. keep patience & be a good listener than to be back-fire !! you should know one thing in life- you can win from everyone except lady.
2008-01-15 23:45:33 UTC
just your wife and my ex wife too! Divorce and Anullment is the way to go my friend, unless you have kids then marriage counseling perhaps?
2014-09-26 08:03:07 UTC
I was able to save my marriage thanks to my family and friends. I also read a lot about marital issues and tips on how to save your relationship. The ebook on this site helped me a lot

Check it out it's worth it.
Sir Eds
2008-01-16 08:23:25 UTC
My wife and I are Filipino, and she's a saint. What rotten luck you have.
2015-04-07 23:52:19 UTC
My filipina wife turned our to be a ruthless fraudster, petty thief, lier and whore. Her mother is her pimp and she screws men all day everyday in Baguio City. All this while scamming me for millions of pesos and my extended family too. I want her in prison foe a very very long time! Would I trust a Filipina now? NEVER!
Ernie B
2014-03-11 13:16:24 UTC
english married to plip your lucky ive had 23yrs of lies deceit and just found out she is a bigamist lost all in phil house assets all my advise drop her whatever it takes a lot more i could tell you you are her atm want to hear more email me
2008-01-15 21:55:14 UTC
Dude, I've met people from Spain who hide the truth, customers from the US who bawl me out on the phone and suppliers from China who hound me for sales; but I don't think that Spaniards are liars, that Americans are rude or that Chinese are pushy.

It takes all kinds.

I empathize with your predicament with your wife, but her country of origin has little to do with that aspect of her personality.
dave i am
2008-01-15 21:35:06 UTC
Be a man... Don't let her toy you around.. but don't hurt her physically... If you have to leave her then do so... you married her cause you love her.. but I think she marries you cause she thinks your loaded... well though luck but you gotta do what you gotta do...
stuck in Florida
2014-04-11 04:10:54 UTC
Please read to the End....are you a rock? you have reduced brain function??... all women have same probs as men....basic self-enthralled.....but....

I also am married to a Fil-women.....what a surprise !!!!!!!!!!!!....well just remember....the jungle was just a few generations back for them.


Brian F
2008-01-15 19:55:25 UTC
No, they aren't. Sorry that you have a bad wife, but it has nothing to do with her being Filipino. You really shouldn't be stereotyping.
Big P
2008-01-15 18:46:08 UTC
I am amazed to hear your story about your wife.

You know sometimes I play with the way I answer questions here on this website but to be honest, I think most filipina's is much better than that. She is not a typical filipina.

Overall, Filipina's is outstanding.
2008-01-15 19:01:55 UTC
Just a bad luck!
2008-01-15 19:32:45 UTC
gush, its a bit same tale with henry and terry of the amazing race race asia 2? But then, its not the race your problem its her upbringing and her family happens so all over the world...
2008-01-15 19:29:49 UTC
Sorry, I think it's just your wife. Talk to her nicely. Express your thoughts and feelings.
2008-01-15 18:36:20 UTC
How long did you know her before you married her?
2008-01-15 19:18:01 UTC
not all women are selfish and unfortunately, your wife is one of them. hmmmppp. not your typical filipina and i'm truly sorry that you end up with someone like her. hmmmppp. you know what to do. hmmmpp.
2008-01-17 11:53:25 UTC
You got a lemon!
2008-01-16 07:40:38 UTC
ALL women are inherently selfish.
2014-07-05 08:30:45 UTC
They are all dog feces, I am married to one also but, I am happy, since she is dying of cancer.
2008-01-15 18:47:38 UTC
NO i thing is just you wife.
2008-01-15 18:39:52 UTC
Its same everywhere. Wife's always complain and husbands don't really understand what exactly their partners need. In your case i am sorry to say your wife is damn selfish, anyway she will be alright in few years.
2008-01-15 18:35:40 UTC
No, probably just your wife.
2015-08-06 10:26:15 UTC
filipinas = scammers,, run forest run
2008-01-15 20:36:18 UTC
Talk about bad luck.

The typical Filipina is submissive & selfless. Are you sure your wife is a Filipina??
2008-01-16 03:04:30 UTC
just your wife. (shame on her!)

Think Tank™ II
2008-01-15 18:52:49 UTC
May be your wife is not a full blooded pinay! . . . lol.
2008-01-15 18:51:25 UTC
she's definitely NOT a typical pinay.
`♥•Debbie here`♥•
2008-01-15 18:32:22 UTC
big fat NO.

please don't generalize filipino people.
2008-01-15 19:00:50 UTC
just your WIFE!

divorce her a*s*s if she continue her selfish attitude.
2008-01-15 18:42:24 UTC
of course not...

filipinas are submissive and caring...

feel sorry for u..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.