Most supermarkets have imported sweet white wines.
You don't say where you are in the Philippines. In Cebu City, I have bought wines from SM and Gaisano supermarkets and Duty free Philippines. However, in Cebu City, the cheapest place I have found for alcohol is Collonade Supermarket on Colon.
Price will vary according to type of wine, country of origin and winery.
The sweetest wine I know of is made from grapes deliberately infected with a fungus known as botrytis cinerea. However, where I lived it is called Noble Rot and wines made from it have Noble in the name. I have not seen these wines in the Philippines. Probably because they are so expensive.
Other names to look for on the bottle to indicate it is sweet would be
- Sauterne (very sweet)
- Lexia (mildly sweet)
- Riesling (a bit sweet)
Something i don't consider wine but others do is Port. It is sweet tasting and can range from rot gut to very smooth, depending on it's age. If you want to buy port, get something aged for at least 5 years.
Something nice that I have also seen in supermarkets in the Philippines is a drink called a mud shake. In Strawberry and chocolate flavour. It is a flavoured fermented beverage which is quite sweet.
I hope this helps!
Regards; Jim Sibbick