I go every June-July and 2 weeks of December every year to be with my husband. I am going to retire there.
Most of the population lives in Luzon, the northern island. Most of Luzon's population is concentrated in the metro-Manila area. I have been only to Luzon, and I want to explore much much more.
There are 7007 islands that make up the Philippines. The central region is called Visaya, and the southern region is called Mindanao.
Metro-Manila is very much alive. Yes, the air is hot and smoggy. Nevertheless, their malls are HUGE, we're talking 5 stories and often 4 of them are standing across the street from each other. Most of the people there walk and depend on public transportation -- air conditioned buses, non air-conditioned buses, jeepneys, tricycles, and cabs.
I was amazed at how hard people work there. Most are lucky to have a job. From sunrise to past sunset people there are busy doing their best to make money to live on.
I went there to experience Philippine culture, and my husband has helped me to do just that. For most, day to day living is very simple, and most homes that I saw, and where I lived consisted of small spaces with a one-burner stove, a small sink, a small bathroom with only cold water, and a small area for living and sleeping.
Customer Service was usually very good. I found employees to be very friendly and professional.
Gosh! We all could say so much more!